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Jumaat, 20 Mac 2020


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Since we are still under Control Movement Order because of Covid-19 so I have plenty of unused time so let talk about pyschology knowledge.

I'm actually beyond happy because I'm taking minor in Psychology and just find out that I'm really in love with the knowledge. Help me I'm fall in love with Psychology . Sorry no one can help me. It's all Allah's plan that make me feel confident and gerakkan hati I to change minor from Management real quick to Psychology. And surprisingly thinking of it one day long and confidently change it on the next day.

So today I'm gonna share with my unknown readers. Hihi selalu merapu kan so harini kita berilmiah sikit. So abnormal Psychology is first  subject that I will learn into detail  after taking Basic Psychology last semester. So WHAT IS ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY ????

At first serius tak mahu add-on minor pun for this sem. Pastu on first week this semester ada coursemate I suggestkan. Ambik je lahh because this subject dont really pressure us. After thinking for one night, I register this subject on the second week. Mula mula tu macam sem baru ani cah nak berehat jap sem ni sebab sem lepas dah 20 unit and kalau tambah minor this sem akan jadi 20 unit jugak. Last last ambik jugak. Thanks Zira for being supportive dan yakinkan aku untuk amik this semester. 

But first of all, aku sendiri pun tak sure what is abnormal. Macam okay ambik je la , just go with the flow. Aceyyy. Pastu bila dah ambik baru tahu ohhh abnormal psikologi memang the whole semester akan belajar pasal mental illness and mental disorder. And after 5 week belajar sumpah tak tipu it like really interesting subject. And aku dapat sesuatu dari subjek.Before this aku tak pernah kisah pasal apa itu mental disorder dan ingat orang yang ada mental disorder ni sebenarnya okay ja. But after belajar baru aku sedar yang mental disorder ni sebenarnya bukan biasa-biasa dan orang yang ada mental disorder bukan akan sembuh dengan sendiri tanpa rawatan dan sokongan.And I feel like orang -orang macam ni perlu dibantu unutuk ada semangat balik untuk hidup bahagia.  Through this subject you boleh tahu jenis-jenis mental illness, mental disorder ,tahu simptom simptom seseorang didiagnos dengan sesuatu penyakit. Dan jenis mental disorder ada banyak kot. 

 Untuk nak diagnos pesakit you cannot simply say that one person have that problem until check and diagnose whether he/she has characteristic that already stated in DSM-5 or ICD 10. And it actually ikut negara tersebut whether to use DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder) or ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Disease and Related Health Problem) .Both are listed under WHO (World Health organization) . But for my syllabus we use DSM-5 sebab use American Syllabus. Dalam subjek ni akan belajar pasal "PSIKOPATOLOGI" yang bermaksud kajian saintifik tentang kecelaruan psikologi. 

So first this time nak share ilmu yang aku belajar minggu ni pasal Kecelaruan simptom somatik , Kecelaruan yang Berkaitan dan Kecelaruan Disosiatif. 

First,  difference of somatic symptom Disorder and Illness Anxiety Disorder. Both kalau kita tengok macam sama dan lebih kurang sama ja. But no no it totally difference disorder.

For somatic Symptom Disorder berlaku apabila dia selalu rasa sakit pada bahagian badan sehingga membuatkan dia risau tetapi apabila berjumpa periksa, doktor akan cakap okay ja.Maksudnya tiada bukti yang dia sakit. Dan dia akan berfikir secara berterusan pasal kesihatan dan simptom itu.  Faktor-faktor Somatic Symptom Disorder ialah sejarah keluarga, stress ataupun mahu dapatkan perhatian daripada orang terdekat.

For illness Anxiety Disorder pula berlaku apabila seseorang terlelu fikir pasal penyakit yang mungkin dihidapinya. Simptom somatik (iaitu berasa sakit pada badan ) tak wujud tapi dia mengalami kebimbangan yang tingi terhadap kesihatan dirinya.

But for both disorder , physcologist need to check the patient first before diagnosed them with that disorder by refer to DSM-5 or ICD-10.

Untuk harini sampai sini dulu, nanti aku sambung okayhh..


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